sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013


A native of Pittsburgh , Abby inherited the love of dance from her mother, Maryen Lorrian Miller , who is since 50 years a member of the Dance Masters of America does. Maryen already had seven dance studios in Miami , Florida before she married George L. Miller of Pittsburgh and give birth to Abby. Maryen taught throughout the city before opening its main studio in Penn Hills. Abby took classes at the studio of his mother throughout his formative years . After traveling with her mother in several national conventions of dance, was inspired and captivated by the new " fad" dance competitions . At just 14 years old , started the Abby Lee Dance Company . In 1980 , she opened her own ballet studio and is estimated to have been trained between 3000 and 4000 students throughout his career . Now , known for their incredible dedication, discipline and passion , Abby is one of the most sought after dance instructors in Pittsburgh, and has formed numerous professional dance stars .
Abby explains his history with dance :
Obviously , I studied ballet all my life in the study of my mother. Intuitively , my mother chose not pressure me to walk around the studio. My father took me to the classroom each week , plus Scout Groups ( how much fun one can have for pennies a week) , clarinet lessons , skating , ice skating , sewing, swimming in summer , winter ski club and I will Schol Charm to forget ! I was fortunate to accompany my mother and her team every summer in several national dance conventions . I learned some of the most original , most surprising and pioneers in the world of dance. I was interested in a new thing called " Dance Competitions " and when I was 14, I started the Abby Lee Dance Company , the rest is history .
I hate being on stage, never enjoyed acting, is one reason why I am a great teacher ... I do not envy or compete with my students . My dreams for them are by far greater than their own , but never confused with mine .
Highlights in the career of dance instructor Abby :
The first day " Footloose " moved to the Great White Way (Broadway ) and one of my students the Broadway stage floor . Without his knowledge , I entered the theater and had permission to attend the trials. My friend was the choreographer AC Ciulla , He sat down next to my seat and asked my opinion on the choreography ... It was an exciting time.
Another , taking the Tonys ! All awards and titles won my students over the years are very important to me.
Abby alumni who became professional dancers :
Mark Myars - First job: " Carol of the Bells " only in the Radio City Christmas Show for . First show of Broadway : Original cast of " Footloose " then become dance captain for " Wicked " . Now is the dance supervisor for the cast of "Wicked " in London , Tokyo , Amsterdam and Belgium. Only this year , he was called to participate in major Broadway musicals in the cast of " Wicked ", " Come Fly with Me" and " West Side Story" .
Asmeret Ghebremichael - First job after high school : Head to three clutches of " Footloose " on Broadway. She went on to act in " Spamalot , " " Lion King, " " Aida , " "In the Heights , " "Legally Blonde" and "Book of Mormon . " I directed her in New York four times the returns of " Footloose . "
I also dancers in the Radio City Christmas Special , 13 hired to work in Japan , Tokyo Disneyland dancers. I could go on and on ...
Still keeps in touch with its alumni ?
Yes, of course , still the levo to dinner! They do not send me any percentage of their fees - I am sensible that! I know I'm with them every time they step spiritually stage or class.
What or who was more learned in his career as a professional dance ?
It takes 15 years to make a hit!
What inspires you to dance :
The entertainment value , the ability to make something so difficult look easy and emotional performance .
What do you hope to teach your students about the performing arts ?
Survival skills . Absolutely everything you need to know to be employable professional dancers.
What skills do you think most students will have after completing your education ?
Proper dance technique , as a realistic view of life , understanding that everyone is replaceable and everything is possible ! They should be able to get up high , speak with confidence and be comfortable in front of a mirror as a stage.
What do you love about teaching dance ?
Love the joy on the face of a child when they reach a target or master a trick for the first time .

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